[Tip] Don't do this with your IG Account, it looks spammy

Hope I made you smile today :wink:


hahahaha, thatā€™s a big fail


Iā€™m doing wid Facebook, and there are some of my profiles on same group, there I scrape users and send automated messages wid spin text. So many time I sent messages to myself. Itā€™s really awful when I read that. Plus Iā€™ve setup auto reply when some one reply me back, the original user block me when they see same messages again n again, but my two profiles continue to messages each other :stuck_out_tongue:

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Haha itā€™s a big mistake, maybe they just forget put the right code and didnā€™t test before summit.

:joy: thats so funny

this is too obvious hahaha

Haha. Forgot to add [] :smiley: Plus it didnā€™t help not to understand how settings work :smiley:

I donā€™t see any value of sending a DM message just with ā€œthanks for following meā€. At least use some sort of CTA to get value.


hahaha so funny

True that, we need to send some sort of value

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a user on BHW mentioned he did like 75k DMs in a day , the catch was , you get the viewer of your profile to DM you first , then thereā€™s no daily limit , i am wondering what kind of value offer these days would provoke users to DM our profile , then we can set an auto DM to check out mother account

Yes, I read that thread. The user got so much hate for that lol

haha it might be an opportunity to turn them into a client. You should try calling them up and pointing that out!

I like the way you think :wink:

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but it did make sense right ? itā€™s true right , no spamming limits if you ā€œreceiveā€ DM first right ?

It make sense and sounds possible, but I havenā€™t been able to test yet.

Whoa! 75k DMs with one account?


yes , one account

Thatā€™s really crazy, would love to check the thread on BHW, lemme head there and search it

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