Exactly, like a couple of guys already said, your profile looks like one of a normal person, you need better content, better bio info, and yeah probably better targeting sources.
What’s the purpose of the account?
being in contact with entrepreneurs and people interested in business and financial freedom
Is that mean that this is an influencer account?
Like someone who get stuff for free from brands and post about it either for free or for money?
no, I use this account to recruit a salesman for my business
I’m not the only one person who had to ask what your account is about so you can see a problem here straight away. It doesn’t send a clear message.
In this case I think that a few steps that you could potentially start with has already been covered by the other members:
- rework your bio (Make it clear to everyone who visit, maybe use also English and add a little pin emoji and location - Italy or a flag . Bullet points would also work)
- improve your visual content (I’m a content creator by profession and would suggest to improve the quality)
- work on your caption if needed (I can’t speak Italian so have no idea what your caption is about, but it may be missing Call to Action)
- start posting on the regular basis and when your audience is active (at least 1 a day imo)
- Interact with your current audience and with people who you are after
Also, where do you get your sources from for Jarvee and how slow is too slow in terms of growth?
This below is probably the best of all tips (I believe it was already mentioned):
- Explore this forum, it’s the best source of information I can think of.
Identify an account which is very successful in what you’re trying to do and base yours on it. It’s not illegal to learn from more experienced thanyou (I do that all the time).
Best of luck
1.You post like once a month
In my personal experience, I just posted 2 times last year in a photography account, and grew 27k, very low settings. Posting is an extra, but you can grow accounts without it, indeed he is using f/u so.
2.Average content that looks like a million other users
3.You didn’t show sources or settings for us to help
I’m agree with the point 2. Photos are not good, so It would be better with good content.
And even with this (no posting, bad content) @Federico_Noise , 1100 follow / day 150 comments / 1200unfollow / day:
I don’t know, but with this high setting, I think the main problem is in the sources. Extremely high setting, even with poor filters, and with an improve in the sources, you can get a lot of followers (Cuantity ≠ Quality).
- Explore this forum, it’s the best source of information I can think of.
This is the best advice you can get @Federico_Noise
thank you very much.
it’s not easy for me to create the right content and find the right source of people to follow …
I agree with you. the settings are really high … and I was even thinking about getting them up but I would go to instagram blocks I’m sure. I have to do some courses on how to create quality content I believe and look for a good source of people who are interested in the business world (now, to target some businessmen and some Italian motivators, let’s see what happens).
Keep in mind also that follow/unfollow is a bit harder when growing an influencer page than compared to a brand niche account (i.e. all those accounts focused on cars, beaches, babes, nature, etc).
Where do you get your sources from and how do you decide if they will be good or not?
One question: would you follow an account like yours?
I’m in your same niche. I wonder how was your engagement after so long without posting?