is there any tool or method that will give me the ability to analyze influencer Twitter account followers for their interests, Demographics, Genders, Language, nationality? Besides contacting the influencer.
I’m in a step where this is so Crucial to me I’m stuck, Experts, please help me
Not have much experience there, but I believe that there are some community members that could help you out. I would like to hear what others have to say about it. It would be quite useful.
Thank you @EauDebo but Keyhole is not analyzing all the followers of the influencer account … it just analyzes maybe 10-20 followers of the account and then display the result… is it because I’m using the free trial?
any other tools?
i searched a lot, I have not found anything to be honest
The only tools I found are sparkscore and Audiense that support twitter, But they are so expensive, Especially audience, you pay $1000 a month for 5 analysis