Trustful yet free auditing tool

Can you suggest some tried and tested auditing tool, on which you trust and is free. (No specific desired analytics.)

you mean like SocialBlade?

I am using owlstat and I am happy with it

Iā€™ll need to try that, I tried IG blade, but it hasnā€™t been working well

if those donā€™t suit your needs, check out ninjalitics

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like socialblade.
but not socialbladešŸ˜…

Just sign up, reading your comment. I guess it doesnā€™t show data properly for the accounts having followers in few thousands (I tried searching for the account having around 7k followers). They showed dialogue box saying, not enough data, wait till tomorrow. Whereas I searched for a big account having 200k+ followers, it quickly showed the data.

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Yes. I am already using it. Just trying to know if there exists any better/different option.

I just signed up there reading your comment. What exact problems you have been facing with IG blade, so that I will be aware while using it

If the account was already searched then you will have its data displayed, but if the account is new, they will add it in their database when you request that and start measuring it day by day. So I suppose the 200k+ account was already in their database (was added by other person) and the few kā€™s account was relative new so thatā€™s why it didnā€™t was displayed


What are you even looking for - in terms of features - when you say ā€œbetterā€ options?

so do they generate that day in single dayā€™s period?

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By better, I mean, more accuracy or more trustworthy

Also, it can show more types of analytics, may be for wider duration, may be even for smaller accounts etc

No, it will be a report with day by day analytics

You do realize most tools start tracking the day that you input a userā€™s accountā€¦ and you can track any public accounts for free?

dno what you mean by trustworthy - they show what they see. keep in mind that some tracker tools can show stats based on timezones

what other features or data for analytics are you looking for?

Expect to pay $$$ to get more data though. I remember a tool that had 6-12 months of data on an account. Was paid. I think it was called and i dno if they still have that functionality since API changes from instagram

good luck

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I missed the notification. Sorry for reverting back late. Can you tell me when did instagram change their API?

Lol sorry no, I cannot :spoon:You gotta do your research to find out :slight_smile:

I sometimes use for that.

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