📰 Twitter – double the trouble - you'll be able to use up to 280 characters soon

All you Twitters out there, it seems that September, 25th is a big, big day for everyone on Twitter. The long-awaited increase of the character limit came. After that date, for every post that you want to tweet, the social network will let you tell it in 280 characters. Let the storytelling begin!

This very smart move was agreed upon after research being done by the network going a little bit more into details as regards to the amount of information one can gather in different languages.

There is no surprise in the fact that the unpleasant restraint of 140 characters wasn’t doing anyone any good and as Twitter’s Product Manager, Aliza Rosen stated that it was mostly causing frustration and now that people will have more space (characters) for their thoughts, they should be sharing them a lot more.

The reason for the 140 characters was that initially it was thought out as to be a perfect match to SMS cell phone messaging. Back in those days, before the development of mobile apps, that was the way tweets were shared. In addition to this, it seems that the limit negatively impacted users and highlighted cultural differences as for example, English people use more words in order to express their thoughts, as compared to the Japanese, who rarely use up all their Twitter space.

For example, only 0,4% of the Japanese hit the 140-characters limit, as opposed to tweets in English that have a 9% ratio.

Across time, there have been other tries as to alter the number the characters. This went from 10,000 characters space to having multiple tweets as part of the same thread, nonetheless, nothing really stuck.

The bad news in all of this is that the feature is not yet available to everyone due to Twitter wanting to test this first on a limited group of people. They do have a positive vibe on this, however, they just want to make sure it will accommodate everyone.

It seems that some people have a rather emotional bond with the 140-character limit, however trying out this option has really opened up some new horizons. Most applications should already have the new, much disputed 280-characters and you should be able to see longer tweets.

The 280-character might seem like too much room for your thoughts at the moment, however, people will have much to tell and make very good use of them. After all, give us some space and we can easily fill in the blanks, right? We already know one big and important man that is most likely thrilled about this change and can’t wait to tweet all about it :smiley:

So, what do you guys think? Is this good or bad and how will it impact the way you do your twitter marketing.


Thanks for the share!

Let’s see what a jackass Trunp can make of himself with the double the real estate.


You can access this NOW using tweetdeck, for the record…Simply tell tweetdeck that the posting limit is 280 and viola…

