Twitter New "Shadow ban"

Got it. I did test follows and it looks like there are no follow notification on the followed account. Might need to rest the affected accounts for a day or two.

FYI - my accounts only run for about 12 hours a day but they only do follow + dm, no other actions.

500 accounts per Jarvee.

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The SB varies from 12hrs to days, and in some cases, weeks. It seems to be only the follow where the trigger is constant.

I see. Have you already found the possible fix? I am only following 50 - 70 people a day. No suspensions and etc but still shadow banned,.

The main issue is so hard to detect and if the account keeps performing the follow action with the SB it will eventually be suspended/PV. I’ve just applied the general rule of 24hrs after 48hrs seems to keep the accounts safe and functioning, 50 - 70 is ok, if you`re still getting SBs you might need to low this!

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How long did the shadowban stay for?