UK instagram marketing meetup?

Obviously covid is still very much lurking but hopefully in person events and such should be good to go in a few months in the UK.

Just trying to get a rough headcount, I know I put something out a while back RE this, but if there was to be a UK based Instagram marketing meetup, who would be down to come?

Just a cool action packed day where we discuss everything related to Insta!


Thats great
Can you just tell day nd month of the event

This sounds cool - I’m always down for learning and connecting.

if you could do a meeting in person and another one online I would very much like to attend, we do need a good meeting where we can share everything related to IG.

Online ones already exist here within MPsocial, there are discord meets every now and then!


Sure, London would be great!



We didn’t have it for a long time :slight_smile:

Sounds great would love to join❤️

yeah, if we could organize a good online meeting for few hours it will be very informative, especially if the powerful users attend :grin:.

Online meetings are far more better than inperson.
Its not possible for everyone to bare the travel cost :sweat_smile:

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especially if you live on the other side of the planet :joy:


now days lockdown and travelling issues are more painful and after all these if somebody come to attend meetings. Then meeting nowadays are like " you are in London talking to Tokyo "

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