Unfollow Tool Question

I want the Twitter unfollow tool to only unfollow users with less than 300 followers by using the option that says "user has a number of followers/following in a specific range, but there is a problem with that.

  1. Im not sure if the range I am specifying is instructing the bot not to unfollow people within that range or telling it to unfollow people within that range.

  2. It seems you have to select bnoth followers & following. I only care about how many followers they have. I want it to ignore how many theyre following.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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It tells the tool to unfollow users whose followers and following count match the values you input.

You may use this filter, 0 - 300 followers and 0 to 100,000,000 followings.

Thanks a lot for the clarification

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