Using your account to travel for free

Exactly this. I am an instragrammer but also blogger and photographer. Just with Instagram I don’t think it would be enough. Plus not having a blog is a suicide. What happens if the profile gets shut down? :thinking:


I think it’s just easier with with lower price tag items like food. Also I think the point above that you need to treat it like a job is right on the mark.

I travel for work to places people think are exotic, but I’m there to work. I have to meet client expectations, work long hours and deal with all the complexities of working in a different environment. While it looks glamourous to be heading off to fancy places remember it’s not a holiday, it’s a job.

Well, actually i think everything can be possible if you’re a talented photographer with some audience.

When i started with only 10k followers a few months ago, i was able to stay in luxurious hotels 5* and get the very best suites for my own good,

The advertising doesn’t have to be on Instagram. You can just provide them value for their website, or any other kind of services,

Instagram just shows you got some audience, so you work is good and recognized !

So with only 10k follower you was able to travel for free ?

I had to pay the flight tickets, but i manage to save more than 4k euros in luxury stays for a 10 days vacation

I think that if you’re less regarding about the quality, by looking for 3* and not 5*, you might end up being able to stay for free a bit everywhere for a long time, even a few months, even if you got only 10k

Ok I find this a bit extreme for a reaction … he became completely arrogant just because he himself does blogging and has a strong social media community… !!! about the humiliation I am not sure, maybe he helped her gain more exposure … shame to him using his social media to bully her…

That wouldn’t stop me of sending offers to hotels…

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Wow didn’t know that it’s possible and what do they see engagement , number of follower , qulity of content ?
Also do you contact them or they reach you in dm ?

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It depends. Everything is possible but you don’t pay your bills with a free stay in a 5* hotel :wink:


They don’t really pay attention to these kind of details actually, they aren’t as expert as we can be, about social medias :slight_smile:

Number of followers, and if the account looks legit (likes/comments)

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Indeed, you can’t pay your bills with hotels free stay. But for a first experience, i think it was Okay. I mean, you can’t start with 10k and ask for a salary and everything else !

If you can get hotels free stay at 10k without any experience with hotels before, not even 2* ones, what can you get with 200k and awesome artworks to show off ?

At the moment you’re recognized on social medias and bring value to people, should be good to go ! (100k is a LOT average people, and owners are mostly average/basic users on social media)


For sure. You have to start somewhere.

So one guy who was doing this with big travel pages was giving the hotels an ‘Instagram marketing class’ as a deliverable. His big travel pages gave him the credibility and positioning needed and he even managed to sign some of the hotels as clients. Win win win. He got 5-day stays in some of the fanciest hotels in the world this way.

And of course he did some pictures etc. but he just hired 2 local photographer students for like 20 bucks an hour each so he didn’t even need to take the pics himself.

Smart guy, didn’t even have a personal brand.


i usually procure clients like hotel and eateries and they give me free stuff plus pay my monthly subscription. its fairly direct

you can also try bartering, from our experience a lot of businesses prefer to give you something in exchange if they dont have big money to spend

e.g. barbershop gives you 8 haircuts a mo/ for automating their profile, free food, free accomodation, free spa… endless possibilities

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I’m quite small, only 15k.

I got one hotel accepting my request out of 100 or so - two more came back with counter offers that weren’t suited to my page so I declined.

I used to have fake likes - each photo would be between 1k-2k likes, whereas now it averages 600 without them.

Would it be a terrible idea to buy likes again to make my engagement rate seem better? Obviously most services are down because of LE problems, and it will hurt my account long run - I’m just wondering how much extra free accom I will get with the extra engagement rate.

My trip starts in a month and lasts about 6 months.

what app is that?

Popular pays :heart:

In signing them as clients surely he would have to mention automation, and hence imply that his profile is not grown organically, which they may have assumed in agreeing in the stay?

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True but automation doesnt mean it’s fake. It’s still authentic people. The value for them will be the same or even better with automation since you’re able to continously grow and direct real people

You really need to have a lot of followers and a good ER% rate to leverage your IG account in order to travel. I’ve seen Yes Theory do it and it’s not easy.