Verified client on automation?

i have a client which is automated from the past 8 months… they got verified 4 months back.

this pv and ban wave can affect this acc?

it has 300k followers

also i want to know your thoughts on automation on verified accounts.

i have taken break on all accounts now

The following is my personal opinion as I believe anybody who doesn’t work for Instagram would know this for sure.

For accounts with 300k following or similar, even without a verified badge, I believe it is a bad idea to run automation. I am assuming you’re referring to follow/unfollow etc.

As far as I know, based on knowledge gathered from here and elsewhere, verified accounts have higher threshold for follow/unfollow and such limits.

Now I don’t think me or anyone can say for certain if it will affect the account or to what degree. But I have seen Instagram take action against 100k+ accounts as well. So such a number of following would not make your account immune to Instagram’s policies. So it is best to move into safer tactics for growth at this level.



thanks for you reply.

but the client is adamant enough to do it.

they also buy fake followers

we started when we had 20k followers

I am sorry to say this but buying fake followers is the worst possible thing anyone can do to an account.

Once you do it, it permanently damages the account and the effect is very difficult to reverse.

If the client insists, there is not much you can do about it other than advising the right thing to do.

I understand you’re in a difficult situation right now.

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i dont think fake followers is as dangerous as you say.

Automating and botting on the other hand would be the worst thing as accounts get banned due to that.

I have never seen an account getting banned just because of buying fake followers.

Moreover lot’s of celebs buy fake followers

Fake followers is bad for engagement. It is unlikely to get you banned though. Should have been more specific before, sorry.

And yes, I agree with you on that. Botting is getting more and more dangerous lately.

i have seen accounts which buy lot’s of fake followers but they get good engagement if you minus the bought followers.

So i dont concur with that.

Lot’s of aspects come in bad engagement other than buying followers.

Ratio might change but the actually engagement can be assessed

Well that’s one way to look at it. Many people are happy with having higher numbers regardless of engagement.