The files with all the login details i also email thrm to myself.
I save everything every Sunday.
Sunday = backup day:pray:
I save nothing online or upload files to free storage/download sites.
They can do whatever they wanted to do with your files.
Especially nothing on google. They are smart as fck and owner of insta. Don’t know what they can do but i don’t trust it😂
Google is owner of insta?
You didnt heard the news???
Ofcourse not! Everyone know that Mark is the owner:)
Glad to hear that nothing was stolen runs to back up everything I own
Ist sonst noch jemand deutsch hier?
i know. I already had a short conversation with him.
He must be busy these days, he is usually super chatty! My German is terrible BTW, I remember very little. Mostly Spanish.
Nee! En nu gewoond Nederlands praten aub!
I’m from Germany
das tut mir leid