We got a request to reset your Instagram password!

look at the date this thread started, March 11 – so it’s back.

are you people also having trouble getting verification emails?? they’re taking forever to come in, sometimes they dont at all.

in my situation i can’t ignore it
the IG APP force me to change the password
and if i don’t do it i can’t use tha APP

yesterday evry 15 minutes i needed to change the password
today only 2 time

how do you ignore it ?

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I just read the notifications and go on with life
I never had a problem with them


so its not the same problem i have
i don’t get only a notification
i get this massege…

and i can’t use the APP if i don’t change the password

yesterday its happend to me every 15 minutes
today its happened 5 times

i got them early this year, for me – i hit the x on that dialog and never had a problem – i got a few more and just did the same thing. none of my accounts are botted so i had nothing to really fear


my account use bots so i have what to fear of :man_facepalming:
and i also get this massege in the passed but i changed the password and everything back to normal
but now its cap forced me to change password every X hours

and if i try to do the same like you say
to hit the X button its get in to the Instagram account for a 1 second and throw me back out to change the password again :exploding_head:

I don’t know honestly as when I botted I never got them, these are new – possibly someone else has answers. Maybe just stop all activities for now and wait a few days till it gets fixed again.

I got like 100+ of request to reset password emails a couple days ago. In the email, there is a link to limit password reset emails. It will disable password reset request that’s not coming from your phone for 60 days. I feel like someone is made a bot to flood people’s emails, for what purpose, I’m not sure.

The only thing I can think of is a hacker can flood your email with real emails from IG then sneak a phishing one at the end. You will probably check the first few to see if they are real but now every single one of them.

me too, pretty weird

Me to,i got this notification in 7-8 accounts around 60 times,i dont know what is happening

False positives of the AI :slight_smile:

I have the same problem, I received about 60 requests to reset the password of 2 instagram accounts and i started getting angry because of them, i wished if instagram give us the information about the device or the ID whom this came from. I checked the emails and they are from Instagram and that means that someone is trying to get into my accounts. i activate 2 authentication to make sure that they can’t get into my account but i’m still afraid because i get these emails every day !! what’s wrong with that person ??

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i have been getting those messages from instagram at the same time for the last few days
email is legit and the app also shows that the mail is legit
have anyone tried to click the link " limit instagram email resets " ?

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It continued in the last few days, I started to get those emails all over again.

Not sure what exactly is going on here, yet?!

Yeah, I would like to know if anyone else tried to limit those emails for password request reset.

Same thing happened with me, i get them almost everyday and that’s really annoying

thing is .
if the someone do try to hack my account how does sending me a legit email from instagram helps them
the only way im seeing it is that the email itslef is not from instagram …

Still happening to me on 10 accounts,just limit request and its all good

i went to bed last night, 98 percent charged, woke up to 7% left. damn notifications drained the bastard. Good thing it is on silent mood.

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