What Browser Extensions are you using?

Hello every one,

I thought that a cool topic where we can share our top 5 (or more) Browser Extension could be cool ! As it can save time, and make some others happy with new founds !

I was using Chrome, but recently switched to Safari.

  • I was using on Chrome :
  • uBlock Origin - Adblocker
  • Dark Reader - Top for the eyes
  • Dashlane - Password saver
  • Ghostery - stops fingerprinting
  • Honey - Automate some coupons on some websites

Using on Safari since yesterday :

    1. AdGuard - Adblock
    1. Ghostery
    1. Dashlane
    1. Pipifer Button - Allow to see videos while browsing other pages and stuff !

Share yours!

Hope this topic pleased you, anyway,
Cheers !


Google Translate one is very good - one click translates a whole page.

Imgur Community Extension is helpful if you are making a lot of website screenshots. Clear cache is also very useful, especially if you are a web developer :wink:

I just checked this out, super cool… I’m currently only using adblock!

Facebook Pixel Helper, I use this to check if my potential customers use it on their website :slightly_smiling_face:

You can also use Check My Links if you’re into SEO. It’s only for chrome though, which I no longer use

Chrome is the best

chrome is really nice google chrome extension, agreed

I just use Firefox and the extension I use are:

  1. IG Helper - Often I’ll find funny videos which I’ll repost to my account from my PC.
  2. Enhancer For YouTube - Helps with my YouTube channel for ads and to analyse other competitors.
  3. The Stream Detector - Used to download videos of other websites and is not limited to Instagram.
  4. Video DownloadHelper - This is helpful for downloading of websites that don’t use .mp4 or .wmv and other extentions, which are difficult to playback.
  5. Honey - This helps me out during checkouts or certain websites. It automatically seraches the web for discount codes.
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I use chrome with the following extensions which save me lots of time everyday:

  • LastPass - stores passwords with one master password and automatically fills them in for sites

  • Honey - For automatic coupon code check to save $$$ when shopping

  • Full Page Screen Capture - When you need to screenshot the whole sales page for reference :wink:

  • Mercury Reader - turns any page with text into a clean formatted text page that makes reading very easy without any ads and sidebars and small fonts

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