What can be done to make this work out?

i have some accounts that are on ‘news’ niche but i want to automate process of getting new information without having to do it manually (staying up to date), repost is good but it can make repost something (bit outdated)

do you guys do something like scrape new articles from sites that always get new things then maybe spintax title and put it on the caption ,or scrape from google actuality , and from there download recent pics related to the subject from something like gettyimages…

because this niche is not easy to automate , so how you handle it , you just take from competition letting them do the reseaech work and just change few things (image,caption) to not make it look like copy version

As long as I know I think that you can scrape the posts in a given time interval on Jarvee for reposting. In this way, you can repost only recent news as they will be only 24 hours old.

Have you seen this post? 🔝 No content for your social media accounts? No problem!

Generally Reddit is amazing for new and fresh content, you just have to find the right subreddit

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Get the RSS going. Plan on doing that soon with a subniche as a methodological test to see how well I can scale this.

But your help is in that post. Let us know how that helps.

You can use this filter to make sure the account is reposting only new posts

Scraping posts from Reddit is a great solution as well. You need to set the campaign properly, so that the older posts don’t sit too long in your Posts list tab.

Instead of scraping, why not look for an API that can provide news titles and links, images, etc.

You can use something like newsapi or bing news api.

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its good but still need to be verified online if its news thing or just reposted thing example if jv scrape some recent post of source this source will post maybe a recent news , and also just a video from last year… , that’s the thing i feel like there is always a need to verify manually for the news niche even if scrape last 24hour , unless i find a 100% news niche that do like websites just sare last news no compilation video , no viral video reposted…straight news

oh that’s a good idea , i can just set the api to get healine+image and download it and certain size adapted for ig , better than checking socialmedia accounts , where even if there is news sometimes they can bring stuff tht aren’t new just for virality , can i apply this to any newssite ? maybe they can have their own api too

Not sure. I have never used any news api, but in 2020 I am sure you can find an API for almost anything.