What do you do after you get a client account compromised?

I think API is the only way to go m8. Just try and think outside the box here. Imagine youre the guy who designed teh IG algorhythm. You see this account that logs in the normal way and then all of the sudden it starts logging in through encoded browsers to perform those actions. It leaves a footprint i think and doesnt help with your trust score at all. Dont make your settings agressive, have breaks, set up intervals. dont unfollow at the same time, do it the next day. run through a mobile connection and make sure your locations match. Everything is working for me so far. I performing 100Likes/Follows/day without blocks.


I agree completely, what people do you know that scroll Instagram all day on their computer? Barely. OP I would stick to using the API and just utilize a lot of rests and take it slowly building up your settings.

Depends per person I guess. If I do API my accounts get AC within 2 days, have been using EB only now and no AC problems for now. Been about 1,5 week.

This worked for me - only one client like this.

As @JakeCOYS is saying, I wouldn’t recommend to use EB only.

I’m using Mobile 4G proxies, 10:1 ratio. EB only accounts got AC message, “use only API to save bandwidth” still working fine without any error.

Keep in mind to disable: “Optimize calls for API requests”, this will avoid 80% temporal blocks.


We are in the same boat…

EB is for sure easy to track.

But the API is fucked as well thats a fact, something has changed with Api actions thats why the devs are looking for ways to not get API blocked.

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Im running 120 actions per day on API without a single block


STrange thing happening today.
JArvee says one account is compromised, so I usually go to the EB and follow the instructions in order to change the password.

Today, by the way, it is possible to use the account inside the EB…so it’s not compromised really but Jarvee says it is…

Any guess?

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Tried to turn Jarvee off and on again?

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I reboot Jarvee every three hours and I am having general success.

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does your unfollow on api work?

I had a similar issue, I just put jarvee on pause for around 5 hours and reset the accounts.
It’s accepting them again atm.

Is rebooting Jarvee often solving the problem?

Not for me… :frowning:

You may also want to change the device ID you’re using in Jarvee

I’m not sure - but I seem to have fewer problems than some people and it doesn’t hurt.

I am one of them. I hate stay stick on a smartphone like a lobotomized teenager… I have twitter, pinterest and ig accounts and I never use their app. Always on PC and for FB I try to scroll and nothing else 'cause I hate text via smartphone XD

Change the user agent and wait for an update that will automatically change the password

Today I’ve got my ac compromised plus likes block (the usual one that you solving by deleting cookies), plus action blocked for 30 hours.
Home IP and usual extra long intervals