What do you do other than IM. What is your 9-5 Job?

@ian I think first of all you need to change your mindset. You are living in the best time EVER to be alive right now. You have MP which is a HUGE opportunity so go use it. I know it’s hard, I don’t know what’s going on with you but thinking of yourself as a victim won’t fix anything

Blaming first and changing second never works. Just my 2 cents.

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I do full-time IM since Dec 2016 :slight_smile:

Before that I sold websites for a living (creation + service contract).


I do full-time in a Venture Capitalist firm, doing part-time IM and looking to convert full-time :slight_smile:

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Wow Amazing ! how much time do you spend on your job and your job on the Internet? :kissing:

I manage a few EDM artists but main 9-5 Job is IM :sunglasses:

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Full time banker. Servicing and advising high networth clients on banking services and investments

Part time IM. Decent income. Im happy with both jobs but still trying to push further in IM

Student currently, first year. Thinking about dropping out and traveling full time ( since my few brands + mp gives more than enough funds for this ) but not quite sure , parents would disapprove. :smiley:

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Stop caring what your parents think. Do what makes you happy bro :slight_smile:


Parents are the people who know you best. If you love and respect them why not follow their advice (especially when you are young)…

As for the traveling part… you could well do that also after your studies. Save your money you are making now. Then you would both have a ticket for the future (aka a good education) and plenty of funds for cool travels.

P.S. many people I have met who didn’t finish their studies or not studied although they could have, regret it in their later years. Not that the education you get on a university is that important. But… student culture is somehow unique and all the studying shapes your overall way of thinking in a certain way.

P.P.S “The richest man of Babylon” might be a good read for you

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Totally true bro ! :kissing:

My mother was so anxious when I left school, right now I earn a good living, she’s so proud.

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Completely agree with you on all points mate. The student life experience itself is something everyone should experience. And the degree stays as a ‘‘just in case’’ option in the future. :slight_smile: And will definitely check out the book. Thanks!

social media management

I’m 17 so I still go to school and I spend my time VERY PRODUCTIVELY learning useless BS while I’m there.

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