These are my most frequently used emoji’s……I know I have issue but WTF
That I use way more than I thought.
Not sure what mine say about me. I don’t even think I use half of these. I like your unicorn though.
LOL…i know. I have kids so its either the unicorn of the poop emoji that i use the most
Gotta have that spoon readily available for some spoon feeding.
I DON’T have kids and I have the unicorn and the poop emoji in my top 5!
Does my GF have the grounds for being upset that I just looked at hers and judged her for having both in her top 5?
Because of that,I just went and looked at my wife’s… and then she had a look at what you did to your girlfriend and laughed ! She thought it was great
There you go! I’m there with your wife.
LOL…facepalm next to champaign…that goes together
LOL… always a good combo!
I wonder why mine is all the booze emoji…hhmmm…