What does engagement mean?

I am promoting one of my IG posts through the Instagram App (not Facebook Ads) and it says I have 1 profile visits and 65 engagement?

What does the 65 engagement mean if I’ve had only 1 profile visit?!

Can anyone help?

I don’t really know precisely but i think that is the number of clicks on your link (as it is a promotion)

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Thanks for your reply, but the type of advert was a IG profile visit advert so the link was just a link to my IG profile, so my guess would be, if it was from that it would have showed on the Profile Visits stat above.

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I think that the profile visits are when an user click on the username of the post/advertisement:

“Engagement” instead i think that are the clicks on the button that is on the advertisement.

Even if it’s an ad that redirect people to your IG Profile, it will have your username in the top, so IG will show up the analithics in this way i think

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Got you!!!

Makes sense now!


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That means that 65 people have liked your post as it came up in their newsfeed. Only 1 person clicked on your profile from the photo/newsfeed.


@wortime, please correct me if I am wrong. Below, under impressions, there are dates from May 07-13 which is a week. It shows 273, 946 impressions. Does that mean that this account has approx, 1,000,000 times all of the posts have been seen a month?

Thanks for the reply.

Their was no likes on the advert it has to be what p.lunarini said that engagement is how many times people clicked on the call to action which was Visit Instagram Profile.

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More or less depending on how your other posts perform.

It means that the last post was seen that many times.

Okay, that’s odd. I would have assumed that it was post likes too, like @wortime. Even if you set it from Insta, your connected Fb ad account should have the campaign in it. Open it up, and change the columns to show you all engagements - that should clear things up like so:

(This was for a FB video ad, just showing it to you for reference)

Not necessarily just the last post - It’s the total number of impressions of the profile and all the posts in that period (May 14-May 20).

From what I understand, your profile + all the posts TOTALLY get about 1M impressions a month, on average, and every person that visits your profile checks out at least 10 posts of yours. Now I am not clear on whether opening the profile automatically adds 3-9 impressions to your insights or not (as soon as you open a profile, you can see the grid of posts, right?). Knowing Facebook, they’re probably adding these as individual post impressions just to buff up numbers and make us happy.

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