What Happened To Melon?

lol that’s what i ask myself every time i see someone with comments like hem hating on others …
@sGkz if you don’t like it why bother reading it at the first place :jack_o_lantern:
@discobot quote please :heart_eyes:

:left_speech_bubble: If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. — Lao Tzu


Please don’t tag me anymore, thanks mr emoji. :slight_smile:

i miss wortime @Larsometer He made me smile so often.


Diversifying :slight_smile:

Caring too much about one income source drives you insane if that income source has any turbulence. I think a lot of people learned that this time around (@TradeKozy, myself, and the silent majority of others who were freaked the fuck out to wake up and see all their accounts blocked)


Melon, we are going through another wave, where are you now?