What if I told you all the automation trash is really why your reach /growth sucks?

It truly boggles the brain how so many people here don’t realize IG still knows exactly what you are doing yet claim to be IG or marketing experts. All that extra stuff from the past you are still using and trying to find workarounds is just hurting you more and more because IG sees what you are doing and doesn’t like when people try to game the system for growth. That’s when you get suppressed. So much misinformation on this forum its actually shocking how far behind the times so many of you so called experts are. Manual growth > jarvee or any of that garbage. It’s a new day. New honest strategies must be employed if you want to save your account (but since your trust score is so low from all the shady activity and automation you thought you were getting away with) it might not be possible to revive. You basically killed your own accounts with your “expertise” and “professional experience”.

I figured out on my own why my account had stopped growing and hitting explore for months. I made the adjustments and in the past 7 days I’ve gained 800 followers (was losing around 20 a day before that) and all my posts in the week hit 2k-3k likes and counting with my little 30k. I do zero engaging with other accounts and follow 10 people. Back before the algorithm really started changing, some of my posts were hitting 10k-15k likes 20k followers, CRAZY ENGAGEMENT. Because I was honest the whole time (Ig calculates every single action and adjusts trust score over time) my account has a great trust score thus huge reach. I’ve never bought followers or likes, never used Jarvee or any kind of automation, no follow unfollow techniques, no spamming comments, etc. All you people who are “paid pros” still living in the old times really have no clue. Fact: continuing to use Jarvee, or any other app or “strategy” is going to keep killing your account trust score and reach.

The funny thing is I still see so many people unknowingly sabotaging their own accounts because they fail to open their eyes and realize how instagram works now. Shame some of you people get paid to run accounts, sounds like your customers are being robbed bad. I’m just a guy who made an account for fun because I was curious how hard it would be to legit build a community in my niche. I am now one of the top and most tagged in my niche, have wayyyy better engagement than similar accounts with 5x or even 10x my following who started years earlier and I can guarantee you the difference is I am real and organic and all those clowns used the same old tactics and methods that peope here are STILL trying to employ and then having daily discussions about “why Instagram lowering their reach and engagement”. Its funny but also kind of disgusting in a “wow people really are this stupid” kind of way.

Dont care if anyone believes me. Based on what I have learned on my own I would NEVER listen to anything anyone here has to say in terms of growth. Its shocking to see the kinds of things being discussed here. LMAO I would hate to be a client and realize that the person I am paying to manage my account is actually a clueless clown who cant read obvious signs and instead is blaming it on IG “lowering their hashtag reach” and continues to destroy their accounts lmao.

I know my post comes off abrasive and probably disrespectful but these really are the truths some of you hardheaded people stuck in the past need to come to grips with.

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For me and most, we’re using Jarvee and IG automation to not bring ER to our accounts.

I Follow, DM and Comment to incourage the users that received notifications to then come to my IG and to go directly to a website link in the BIO.

So, if I have 100 accounts that’s Following avg 500 a day, plus DMs and comments then this is a potential of an audience of 50,000+.

Automation works great if you know how to configure past the algorithm :wink:


why do I have a feeling you came here from reddit? :slight_smile:

Look, you managed to grow one account manually and now you’re an expert. I don’t claim all of us are experts here, but there are members who really do great with automation. There are some who are struggling, but they’ll get to it after some time.

Most of us here were on both sides, manual and automated, while you, you said you never used automation. So, how can you know you wouldn’t have much larger followers base if you used automation?

I don’t think you understand what automation is. What if I told you automation doesn’t necessarily means spamming? It’s just a time saver. It does what you tell it to do. Set it up correctly and nobody will notice the difference.

Don’t talk about stuff you didn’t try yet.


Then you probably didn’t understood with all your different tests & smart techniques, what a social media is all about…

Yes. “Set it up correctly” is tricky, but doable.

I agree with your premise that spammy automation limits reach, but I disagree that all automation ruins your account. I can tell you that I used automation to grow my account to 7k and my posts get hashtag reach and make explore.


I can’t fathom why you needed to be obnoxious to communicate your thoughts. Completely unnecessary.


Crazy claim to make with a sample size of 1 account and a duration of 7 days. I am automating and posting on an account right now and it is regularly getting 300-500 likes at 220 followers.


Bruhhh, why dont you tell us your technique so we can automate the process and gain followers the same way as you and increase the ability of it :slight_smile: :grinning:

Hey look, a growth pro with and ego the size of Texas who has grown 1 account. Bravo!


1.) Get a client who post pics with the criteria of a chimpanzee and try to replicate your method.
2.) Try to do the same with 100 clients.

Please enlighten us.


The same thing can be said about the million of accounts stuck under 10k followers for years,who never did any automation.
Just because you had succes with one account,doesn’t mean its the written rule for everyone.

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