As you all may have encountered when using IG, some accounts get follow blocked and others get Phone Verified (or both lol).
In the past, I have had accounts get disabled after a lot of phone verifications, but I recently started receiving blocks.
Wanted to ask the community, which is worse for the account’s longevity: Repeated Follow Blocks several times a day or Daily Phone Verifications without any follow block?
repeated PV and blocks lead to accounts getting disabled from my experience. From what I’ve read most people churn n burn the accounts once they start having repeated issues such as PV and follow/like blocks
I have around 20 accounts that have experienced the PV loop, all of them having between 15K and 50K followers, and I’ve decided to rest them until there’s a fix, if there’s a fix. I don’t plan to use them anymore for the next 6 to 12 months…
They are doomed anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. Hopefully, their trust score gets reset after a few months/years.
Try to not fully pause them! Just do only feed + related hashtags liking and storyviewing, no following, gonna help the trustscore a lot more than just doing nothing and all of a sudden starting again
Or do you get pv’s even with those actions? Or even with no actions at all?
Very good point. I got many PV on them even when simply Liking (warm up mode) at the end so I believe they are really screwed… but I take your advice, and I’ll give it another shot in a few days / weeks with story views and maybe a few Likes.
Start with story views, after some time try liking feed see if that works. But tbh I personally just burn the accs that are not working… Except they are main accs obviously, but those I just don’t bot lol