What is your way to F/UF people in same time in safe way?

What is your way to F/UF people in same time in safe way ?
I mean by the that what is your strategy and your calculation to net get ban ? do you inerval time do you add more sleep time and settings ?
help us with your knowledge :d

You enable the Enable automatic follow/unfollow. It is a function that will start or stop the tool after a certain amount of followers/followings is reached.

Fow how long you have been using this option and have you cot any action block or anything like that?

you should never follow unfollow at the same time because that will make your account look unnatural I mean who follow and unfolow at the same time?

make sure to use the option above and make sure to have the account working for 12-14 hours and the rest is sleep mode, 80-100 follow and 80-100 unfollow per day but first warmup the account using other tool then start f/un slowly.