Some time ago I had some life couching sessions because I need them as I been stressed with some things in my life.
As daily seek to get motivation in doing life or business related things I got some videos that I bookmarked in my tab and I everytime I get unmotivated I watch them .
Here is one.
I know that Wolf of Wall Streat is not so whitehat, but the speach will sure get me motivated everytime!
I am using a tiered approach, much like a hashtag strategy to make my first $100k When I hit $100k then I will re-invest until I hit $500k, once I hit the $500k per year, then I will invest until I can afford healthcare in the U.S.
This thread was not intended for the subject " What keeps you motivated in IM" its about life, its about what keeps you working and living and about how to get others inspired by your work.
To be 100% honest, what motivates me is Freedom. Being my own boss, providing stability for my family. Working hard for myself, instead of having others profit off of my hard work.
how good is this moon clerk? Better than PP? Can people dispute?
Also, Di.FM and the fact i don’t have a fucking car keeps me motivated.
Plan on selling 1 of my accounts I just secured for the price of 2-3k here in like 3-4 months. Its a good username
Moonclerk is OK, they are harder to dispute than PP, but they charge a lot(which fine, money is better than no money).
Cars are depreciative assets, once you drive it, it’s worth 30% less or more than you paid for it. Buy used, who cares if you have a shitty car if you have mad $$ in the bank!