What prize should I fix for 'NEW YEAR GIVEAWAY' on my community

Hi @Adnan, @Johnny, for promoting and making user engaged on my community BuzzBasement Community, I am thinking about starting a ‘NEW YEAR GIVEAWAY’.
As there are many different category and 3 months of time that’s why I thought about some point, kindly correct me where I should change

  1. Enter into minimum of 200 topics because there is 3 month time.

  2. Received at least 1k likes because if one creates 200 topic he/she will easily able to received 1k likes.

  3. Information should be valuable.

  4. Share on social media is important.

  5. As this is too MUCH, that’s why what prize I was thinking about choosing is given below

  6. First winner - 500$ + Forum Admin

  7. Second Winner - 450$ + Forum Admin

  8. Third Winner - 400$ + Forum Admin

  9. Fourth Winner - 350$ + Forum Admin

  10. Fifth Winner - 300$ + Forum Admin

  11. Sixth Winner - 250$ + Forum Moderator

  12. Seventh Winner - 200$ + Forum Moderator

  13. Eight Winner - 150$ + Forum Moderator

  14. Ninth Winner - 100$ + Forum Moderator

  15. Tenth Winner - 50$ + Forum Moderator

  16. All Other - A lot of new and interesting knowledge on the forum

Is there anything wrong in this plan and if yes how I can improve that.
Everyhelp really appreciated

Giving away forum admin as a “prize” . What could possibly go wrong . :thinking:


Giving away free personal lifetime services from HC sounds like a better deal.


‘HC’ what is ‘HC’, this shortforum goes out of my mind

The guy immediately above me :point_up: (in my previous post)

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I thought it should be right. But may be there is something I missed.

I posted about GiveAway on my forum but currently it is Unlisted so that I can make a change in that.
Link - New Year BuzzBasement GiveAway : Earn With Learn - BuzzBasement : Community

@Adnan @Johnny , you guys kindly take a look at this and suggest me something more if needed.

Where I am thinking about to promote this GiveAway
I am thinking about promoting this GiveAway using 2 platform.

  • CPC
  • With the help of NewsWire
    Kindly suggest me if I am doing something wrong here on not.

I’m not really an expert in this area, so can’t help you much.

Anyway, if you feel it might work, then try it, otherwise you’ll never know.

Share the giveaway everywhere.

You might think we’re experts in building forums because of MPSocial, but our situation was completely different. We already had clients, now we just gave them place where they can hang around and exchange opinions.

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Add all that money spending to get more users. More users --> more activity --> more people to ask if they want to be Admin.

Try to promote your forum as a cpa offer. Make 50 FB/IG/tw/pint/quora accs and start spamming your questions everywhere. Make 20 profiles that you control and post every day some questions and stay active on topics of others.


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My mistake, I forget to add link above. I changed maximum things. Kindly take a look at this link - https://forum.buzzbasement.com/t/new-year-buzzbasement-giveaway-earn-with-learn/181

If you are going to spend that kind of money you can as well hire someone who is happy to make $300 a month. Give that person 20 or 30 forum accounts, let him or her post content, ask questions about it with other accounts, share it on facebook, Quora, IG, Twitter etc. to drive traffic to your forum.

I know some people who will kill for $300 a month. But writing on a forum will also be ok for them.

I looked at your forum, and I think it’s a mess. I see many different subjects, posts about different topics. What do you want me to do there? Scroll through many topics I am not interested in every day to find maybe 1 post I like? It sounds like a waste of time.

If you want to have a successful forum you have to specialize in 1 subject people like, are interested in etc. and give them high-quality content, the possibility to ask questions to others who know about the subject etc.

To make it more clear; Which problem is your forum going to solve for your visitors? None ? Then they will not come back.


I want to create it like quora means not quora, it is just an example. As name ‘BuzzBasement’ don’t specific any fix category like viral websites have not fixed categories still my maximum are science related.

Why I created so many category
As said above, it’s my website niche[quote=“dimitri, post:11, topic:26710”]
Scroll through many topics I am not interested in every day to find maybe 1 post I like? It sounds like a waste of time.

May be why you didn’t like is because of your interest. May be your interest is different than forum category.

There are multiple forum across the Internet, Top category of my forum are Science, International Relation, Economics and Politics. I am trying to create a unique forum where user can stay update with those news which are important for everyone in daily life and with that can discuss.