What todo/project management applications do you use?


I just wanted to ask your opinion about todo/project management applications/sotfwares.
Which one do you use if you use at all?

Personally I use Wunderlist (free, without subscription) but it seems Microsoft will close it soon as they’re creating a new alternative to it. I looked into it and didn’t like it at all so I will have to find a new solution instead.
A lot of website mentioned Trello as an alternative (although it’s for a little different use case). It’s good but for a first sight I didn’t find it as easy to use as Wunderlist.

So, what software do you use for this purpose?

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Trello works great for me.

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Trello & Whiteboard handle all that I need.


The Action Machine 3 on my laptop, thanks @bwbalazs and @Dconley I am going to look into whiteboard.co and wunderlist.com.


I use Notes and microsft excel :smile:

Mind to enlighten me what is so great about trello?

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