What woud be the best price for FB accounts with 5000?

I am not sellling in this forum. i am asking for suggestion only.
I have nearly 20 Facebook accounts with 5000 friends and thousand of pending freind requests and followers.
All are 100% india based friends.
nearly 30-40 days old accounts.
phone & ID verified accounts.
how much can i charge??

It’s hard to say. Depends on how much traffic they’re able to generate.
Have you tried posting some links, what kind of engagement you got? Any shares, likes?

If you posted a link, did you got any traffic? I know if you post link on a profile, you can’t see how many users clicked it, but if you posted link to post on your website, you can see how many users visited that link in your website stats.

Also, India traffic isn’t really high priced…

I’d say not much, you can get an account to 5k friends on auto pilot in 1-2 months with 0 human interaction.

Also it matters if they are worth anything and you can make money out of them or make them interact with what you need or not. So unless you have this clear you can’t really ask for much.

You are absolutely right. to test interaction of people on one my profile i just posted a feeling status and getting amazing responses because its a girl profile.:yum: