What's going on with Jarvee since last update?

We did have an issue with the follow tool that led to scraper overuse. We have released a new update that should fix the issue, if you restart Jarvee it should auto update and the issue should be fixed.
If you still have problems please write to customer support. We are sorry for the inconveniences caused.

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@DanielAdmin I can’t see the follow issue on the update notes? Is it not added.

No, its not added but it should be fixed. If you have Jarvee version it means you have the fix.


It seems like “Sync only followers” doesn’t work.
When I synced main accounts, the dashboard notice Sync finished successfully but it didn’t show any number of followers increase on profile’s dashboard. I am using scraper’s tag name for this action!

Yes, it looks like there is still a small issue with that. We will fix this in the next update.Until then what you can do is check also the option Sync right before midnight.
The sync followers works when sync right before midnight is checked. It will work only when the auto sync is done before midnight( wont work when you do it manually).


Yeah I have it updated. Will probably see results tomorrow.

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Everything works again!

So far so good on my end as well. Managed to save some of my “Temporary Locked” Scrapers. Thanks for fixing it Jarvee team. :+1:

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We`re sorry for any inconvenience caused. In the next update we will introduce an option ‘Force the app to remain with one update version behind the latest’
If you check that option you will always have the version prior to the latest version. That will be helpful for all users that think getting the last update is risky.


Same here. A client’s account was disabled after latest update , not telling anything about scrapers