Whats the best bot to use for this?

whats the best bot to use for this?

also does anyone know a plug for cheap burn and turn accounts?

You need a custom solution,as of now I am not aware of a bot that can do this.

do you know anyone that can supply and API for IG for the scripts?

I guess public Api is very limited now,you need to use the reverse Api and for that,hire a dev who knows how to make bots for social media.

Be careful because half of the dev’s are useless.

You can do that using M/S, even using Jarvee - this is what we’re doing.

Don’t ask for the solution, just find it on your own you will see it’s easy to find, difficulty is when you want to automate many accounts, I would advise you to get a good infrastructure and some time to dedicate to this but it works amazingly

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Lmao,I am so amazed by your answer.

Sometimes, its so frustrating to see generic answers over and over again on MP. Anyway, to send a DM followed by a profile share or vice versa, almost any bot including MP can do it.

If you wish to try MP, extract target users using the contact tool, set it to send DMs automatically, enter the DM spintax.

Limitations: only 25k Dms max per Jarvee. If you want to do this at a really large scale, it is not possible. For which you will need a russain bot which i wont name publicly. (Cant promote other automation tools on the forum I guess)

Limitations of the russian bot - While it can send 10times more number of DMs, it cant scrape! So you will have to either use Jarvee or someother bot for scrapping and then enter the UserIDs on the russian bot!

And take this advice, time and dedication are the only things that can make automation for IG work!

Do you really know that Russian Bot,if yes then I am sending you a pm and will post here about the response that you will give.

If you give the name,I will post here that you gave me the name without actually revealing the name here.

If yes,I am sending you a pm now.

Its abbreviated as IAM from a studio that starts with P!

You can do the further research

Where atleast,I have not yet researched but I would like to know some tip on where to get it.

Is it on some forums? Is the forum russian or english?
Is it availaible on the clear net or not?

Its a russian bot. It has a forum. Both the bot and the forum are in russian. There are people who teach and train, they speak in english. They charge money. About the software, its pretty public. There are actually multiple bots. A good research will get you there. Rest, do the hardwork. :slight_smile:

Anything about Jarvee, I am more than happy to help. About other recommendations, I wouldnt do that unless its a case where jarvee cant do it at all. LIke for example buying proxies.

i really appreciate you all taking the time to discuss this, automation for IG is very difficult.
so i thank you for the help