What's the most up to date approach when it comes to recovering from multiple Temporary locks?

Hey guys,

Been almost half a year since I’m back into IG clients stuff and been blessed not to get client accounts on temporary locks/password resets etc which I know is the major headache…

However, 1 client acc last week got it’s first temp lock - password reset.

I waited 2 days as a cool off period, started warming up + 15/20 reached 150 daily actions and then boom another temp lock.

Waited 3 days, reduced warm up further. 50 daily actions boom temp lock password reset.

Last warm up I tried reached 12 actions and got “30 Day Captcha” thing which was very worrying. However the client unlocked it without problem. This was a heart attack moment lol.

So 3-5 temp locks later I’m kinda worried to restart now. What would do?

So seems waiting a few days and warming up slower is not the best approach anymore and may not be enough. I haven’t yet changed device id and on last 2 warm up attempts I was using EB, previously API for months successfully. I had random actions too which I think may not be a good option anymore since it increases api/eb calls.