When buying 4g proxies, what to look out for in terms of quality?

Is there any way to gage the quality of 4g proxies? Is there a standard price range for them? I’ve researched several sellers on here and elsewhere but just not sure with which to go.

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Honestly price can range quite abit. The best thing to do is trial them and test to see how they warm up. If you can warm up with no issues then its great, if you get blocks, pv etc then you may be looking at a bad proxy

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Also depends on what you want scrapers for. Most 4g proxies will not be good for creating accounts. The one’s that are, are very costly as they need a very big IP pool. Some providers will cease your account if you try create on them too. (None from MPsocial I dont think though).

Ive built my own proxy farm

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So you’re saying proxies needed for creating good accounts should be of a higher quality than proxies that are to be used for general automation?

And I could trial a few but its just the prices ranges of some are pretty high from what I’ve seen. Others seem to charge a monthly and I’m left wondering what I’m actually getting. Like an unlimited pool of IPs I can use to automate hundreds of accounts or something? Is there no limit to them at that point?

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Best thing to do is create an account with an email - if it passes, the proxy is amazing. Finding one like this is really really hard though.

Next best thing is testing a few providers and doing the exact same amount of actions on each proxy with the same quality accounts - the one that survives the longest is the best for you :slight_smile:

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Wow thank you, that’s a super useful tidbit. I’ll certainly be trying that out tomorrow.

I will give you some advice. The proxies used for creating accounts are expensive. They generally are harder to find and do not offer more than a day trial. They do this because they know people will take advantage of a week trial etc.

I paid $150us for a month US proxy and made accounts for a few days with no issues
Then after that constant captcha and no accounts would work. Waste of money.

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So the telling sign of whether its at least a semi-decent proxy is whether you’re capable of making an account in the first place? But the final test of quality is whether the account actually lasts?

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There’s lots of issues with creating accounts. If you only want them for scarpers then as long as they stay alive past 48hours you can create them on jarvee or a bot etc.

For slaves though the best ones are handmade I find.

The main issues with making accounts are that footprints, user agents etc all need to be different, the ip needs to be different and then the phone numbers need to not be overused.

Its something that has taken me a long time to learn and there are so many variables involved. IG seems to be always one step behind ready to shut the next method down. Which is why no one that knows how to make quality accounts will post their methods.

But in summary 48 hours seems to be one of the major checkpoints if the account doesn’t get captcha on creation. Every bot I have used gets captcha within that period

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not all proxies work fine for everyone, what you need to do is get one from each provider that you like/heard good things about then test for a while and see how it goes don’t follow anyone blindly, a test is the best strategy.

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AND you need to add that you need to have a PRE TESTED working method for creating accounts. If you use same browser/phone to create accounts from various providers, it will fail 100%.

And Yes, I do have my own creating method in browser/rooted phones!


different device IDs will do the job for this part, at least this is what I do and I’m able to create a lot of accounts weekly.


You gotta try them all to find out which works for you best.
With 4g price differs from country to country ( due to data costs, renting a place etc )
Who knows , a 20$ mobile proxy works best for your purpose rather than 300$ US one


Depends if it’s for running account or creating I find

yes, I think that creating accounts is a whole other deal, I was able to create accounts from different IPs throughout the years, 4g are good for that as well, when you are going to manage/run an account for a long period then 4g are the best choice at least from 2019 until today.

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The best way to avoid scams and also assess the quality of proxies is to ask for free trials from the providers and test them out yourself. If you’re looking for U.S. proxies, the minimum price is $110 monthly, other locations might have cheaper rates.

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yeah, free trials are the correct way to go, but I think you can find a lower price than 110$ monthly for US proxies.

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The only issue I find with the test trials is that they’re too short for me to really see an impact. I just tested one recently and although it didn’t have any issues, neither did my residential proxies. Is there some sort of check you guys do to assess their quality? Like an acid test of some sort to weed out the poor ones from the good ones?

I understand that trying to create an account would serve a similar function but is there something else?

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yeah I don’t think there is something like that like but I’m no proxies expert what I do is use it as much as possible on the trial and do all different actions and see what happen if all good then i will use that proxy.

Some info on this page (scroll down) about some checks you can do initially when trialing a 4G proxy.
But then just test it with your choice of software for over 24hrs and analyze the results.