When you approaching potential clients via mail and there are interested. How do you tell them that you need their Username&Password?

When you approaching potential clients via mail and there are interested. How do you tell them that you need their Username&Password? Because they don’t know you and are afraid to give their information further :thinking:

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You should always call them first. It builds a layer of trust. Do you always sell and close over email?

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yes with mail but the probleme my first language is franche not english lol so how can i call them

Explain a little bit of how the system works and let them know it’s standard, offering some sort of warranty could help too (this is warranty for the safekeeping of the credentials not for results)

Your question is very good In my company we explain the reason why we need the data, and we have you complete an online form that is protected.


My sign up process asks for the password. Nobody really puts up much of a fuss.

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I would try to create trustworthy website about your business where everything is explained, or atleast link them to your freelance service like fiverr that they wouldn’t even have this question in mind. But personally I would never trust giving my account username and password to random gmail that emailed me :slight_smile:

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Exactly - ask for it alongside username, settings etc.
They are less likely to worry about it when they’re trying to complete the task of filling out a form, than asked only for the password.


Don’t ask them to simply give you their password. Make a Sign-up page on your website and if they mention the password, tell them that everything is safe and encrypted.

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Make some contract so it looks professional

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I call every time with them and try to not close them directly after the first yes, I speak with them every meeting up to 10-20 minutes and bring some humour with, some jokes that they feel many good emotions. hear your favourite song before you talk with them to be in your best state

after all this trust that you build you told them that they only have to told/send you the username and password and make no big deal with this calm and confidence and that after that everything starts

Never had a problem with username and password before but I can imagine that via mail or chat it is very hard

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