Can anyone advice how do I join a good quality (small-ish) engagement pod? Thanks
If you have more accounts, you could do this on your own with Jarvee. You can create engagement groups with your accounts that will give and receive likes and comments.
one of my clients has over 20k followers, I want to get her into a pod that is all 20k followers+ people in the same niche
There are many Telegram Groups which requires a minimum follower barrier to join the group.You can join them if you meet the joining criteria.
do you know how do I find these telegram groups? I tried searching for pods but nothing legit comes up…
Search for the on Telegram. They will show up.
Boostgram is one of the Telegram Engagement Groups!
Search it directly on Telegram
Sadly these Pods die as quick as they spawn (just check MPSocial regarding this topic), since many give up on IG, don’t want to invest the time anymore or wen’t on to try other methods.
what keywords should I use, I cannot find any legit ones when I search for Instagram or pods.
you are a super star! thank you
what do you mean by they die fast? Is Instagram blocking them after finding out always the same people leaving comments?
People will just stop caring to deliver input - Similar to most Like-exchanges. The usefulness of a pod solely depends on the reliability of it’s participants, which sadly is not always the best after a few days/weeks/months. If only 2 people are really contributing, they will be soon sick of providing for everyone else without anything in return
Engagement groups. And searching on google would lead you to various channels.