Why Automation is What Will Free Your Soul

Alright, I figured I would contribute a little something based in my belief of why automation is the best thing ever. I’d also like to open this space up for others to talk about their path to freedom.

I’ve been studying Instagram as a platform for income source for about two years now. My journey started off with Crowdfire, then Instagress. I’ve found that through my journey I continue to learn more, and more and it will likely never end as long as Instagram continues to grow and change.

In the past three years I’ve been having some gnarly autoimmune problems that have really put a damper on my life. I started to go through some intensive pains and lots of strange results putting me into the doctors office quite often.

I went to a decent college and graduated with a Business Law degree. My classmates all went off and got the comfy $50k-$60k jobs straight out of college, without creating for themselves. I felt like crap, and didn’t have a job, I was miserable.

As I sat around my room, I found that Instagram as a platform itself was a perfect place to become and influencer and earn income. It was the perfect strategy. I quickly realized though that there was more to be made with my knowledge.

I started gaining a client base and using my Instagress tools and knowledge to grow their accounts (not the best way, but they grew nonetheless). I found myself with the biggest opportunity ever. Freedom for myself.

See, automation is only good if you’re using it for good. In my belief, I don’t agree with the very-blackhat methods people use, but I can’t speak for others and their success in it for that is not my intention in life.

Automation has given me the opportunity to share knowledge, help others, and focus on my own health. Since I’ve started my little service firm I have become much healthier, more open, and less stressed. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing others yield their own personal freedoms and successes in their business using Instagram. It’s crazy how far you can spread light into people’s lives.

Cheers everyone, would love to hear your own success stories and share how you bring success into others lives. #sappy


at the beginning, automation certainly freed up my time.

as for freeing up my soul, i guess that has to wait till i’m financially free to not have to work anymore

You should check out my other post on how to start helping clients to earn your passive income stream:
