Why is my Explore reach much lower than Hashtag reach?

Hello! I have a healthy account (22% ER at the moment) that every 3-4 posts “goes viral” and gets a lot of organic reach (75 to 95% non-followers seeing my content).

That is great, but when I check the analytics I notice the vast majority of traffic comes from hashtags, and not from explore – why is that? Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you all for your responses.

try using others hashtags that if you get a certain amounts of likes you can go to the explorer page. What Iam trying to say is that you need to think on how to use a smaller hashtags.

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My hashtag reach is great though!

This is to do with the vitality of your content. What I find is that photos blow up on hashtags but don’t hit explore as much, and videos blow up on explore but not as much on hashtags.

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Seems like your post wasn’t really successful in the explore page and Instagram pushed it more down

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