Why my post dont show?

Hi. I posted several hours ago here https://mpsocial.com/t/tired-of-fl-moving-to-jarvee/49680

But my post don’t show. Does this mean it has to be moderated yet or it was banned? thanks

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I don’t know but I had the same problem yesterday. I tried to post it again and it told me the name of my post was already taken.
I went ahead and contacted @johnny about it since I read that contacting someone from the MPteam should be the way to go.
Let me know if they solve your problem mate.


It may have been hidden by the moderators, you can wait it out, but it’s possibly a topic that wasn’t permitted so it may not return. See if you get a reply from @Johnny but you could also check with @Adnan as well.

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thanks a lot. i messaged Johnny.

There are some stuff that we don’t mention here therefore your post got automatically deleted.


oh that’s why some post got automatically deleted …okay