Why my reels reach is so low?

Hello. Trying to crack the secret to reels success. I have shot 5 videos already, and only one of them has more or less decent reach rates. I don’t understand what needs to be done to get people to watch my videos. Are there any general recommendations?

How many folowers you have.

Do you also share them on your wall? We had some clients report that sharing them to the wall too increases the reach.

Helo, I’ve got around 11k

Nope, I did not. But I tried to use one of the popular music tracks hoping that it will make my videos more visible. Thank you for your advice, I’ll share them

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Thats true actually. Sharing on wall has definitely buffed up some reach

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Yes I agree with Jessi, sharing on wall could help. Also, just continue with quality content, the reach should come eventually.

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