With New Settings, Growth has been limited

I have been doing Instagram Growth for about 5 months now. We have had lots of success in growing accounts. However, now with the new limit, Instagram has enforced, we have had to cut our engagements in half.

What are people doing to boost engagement, without compromising the Instagram account?

Story views and comment likes are helping us get a better FBR as well as attracting an extra 1-5 followers per day all on their own.

Working on comment strategies as well, but its tricky because we work in a variety of niches and each one has to have its own unique spintax, targeting, and strategy to make it work…


The story view is an interesting concept that I did not think of. Thanks for the tip!

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Surely it will no longer be possible to promise magic and fantasy at 50/100 euros per month 5/10,000 followers per month.

But maybe it’s time to really ask ourselves what’s going on.
Bots help a lot the entertainment on the platform, but what we have to do now is focus exclusively on a single concept that has made a difference in any business in recent centuries: quality.

We need excellent requirements, I mean proxies and accounts, we need in-depth studies in the areas, then source search, all accompanied by a very gradual and soft warm up at the technical level.

If you can really follow 6000 people, and if you have a conversion of 65/70% you can safely grow your customers to 4000 followers in target per month.

As the good Darwin said, it simply depends on us and on how we react to changes in the environment.

Greetings, Trade :alien:


Yeah, in some niches it´s definitely possible. I have no problem with my art or travel clients since the new limits. However for my music clients even if they have good content the days ahead look darker. Im starting to also offer them DMíng to their new followers, in order to make up for the lost growth.

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M/S Method is getting more and more valuable and still only the budget is the limit for scaling.