Without porn you are nothing :-)

Fun news: Wordpress has bought tumblr für just 3mio USD. At the times when tumblr was known for porn its valuation was about 1.1 billion. :slight_smile:


Back to porn they go with a whole bunch of plug ins I guess


your profile pic rocks :+1:

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Way to go Yahoo, that was a good flipping :slight_smile:

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I think Tumblr is not too useful. :smiley: If it would be, we would also automate there.

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I would’ve paid more for tumblr. It’s worth so much more in terms of data.

It’s a good system. Could be resurrected perhaps.

I wonder what he is planning to do with his site. Probably some integration with the free wordpress sites or something. Any ideas?

imagine using all that data (images) free-to-use to all wordpress users in their templates

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Would be amazing. I mean he definitely has a plan and probably the best fit for buying the company in which case 3 million is probably a steal.