I need the complete followers list (just usernames) of two instagram accounts. One of the accounts has 820k followers and the other one has 140k followers.
If you can get me the lists of followers for both of these accounts, then please post here with your price, and the amount of time it will take you to complete.
Multiple accounts yes, but they will just scrape the same 27-30k ± the other ones scraped from the same account, the last time your request was possible i believe it was December 2019 i was doing it using good quality scrapper accounts and some expensive 4g rotating proxies and scraping 500k-1m usernames followers from 1 account, right now, can’t scrape more than 27-30k.
My goal is to find all accounts that follow two profiles (one account has 800k followers and the other has 150k followers). Do you have recommendation for doing this, or do you know how this can be done? I’m willing to pay $$
Good luck but as far as i know and i’m currently still doing Instagram scraping for other projects i’m working on but, you can’t scrape more than 1k usernames who liked a single post and can’t scrape more than 27-30k usernames from the followers of 1 account.
i tried a script for that and try to copy them later but now at some point the browser get stuck or the scraper account get into a trouble, so now i’m just using my tools(not jarvee) to scrape within the limit and get the data or leads i want, so what ever the solution the other guys are using, it’s not just a simple scraping of 1 account, it must be something else.