I´m looking for someone that can teach me how to setup a raspberry pi as a mobile proxy. I already had the Pi running as resi proxy but I cant do it with mobile proxy. PM me your offers.
Do you have 3/4G modem and sim card with data plan?
I have a raspberry pi 3b+, umts stick + simcard with data plan.
You can use a pure software solution ‘allproxy’, which also makes your 4g as a proxy.
Do you find some help somewhere?
hello. i have 20 huawei dongle. and 1 raspberry pi 3 b+ include 1usb hub + 1router.
i need to setup my 4g dongle using raspberry and router. so i can make it 4g proxy.
i need help. im blank about this. i offer 100$ for this. thanks.
Please contact me andrea7xs@gmail.com I’ll show you how to create a 4G proxy with your raspberry in less than 40minutes, you can also PM me here.
Contact me mailme.xu@gmail.com, or leave your mail here, I can send you a document which described how to use multiple HUAWEI e3372, android device to make your 4g proxy!