[WTB] Want to buy Android Phone Farm software to for Mother/Slave on Instagram

Hey there everyone, I am looking to build my own Android Phone farm.
I heard there are some tools out there that can automate and manage android phones in bulk on a phone farm.

I’m looking for software/method that can easily manage multiple android phones on a single PC, as well as then automate phone activity on Instagram for account creation and Mother Slave method.

I heard of one called Omni something but can’t find it.

Any suggestions or recommendations would be most welcome!

Thank you :slight_smile:


It’s called Onimator, we offer discounts on our 4G Mobile Proxies to them.
Works well,

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Niiice does this work with Instagram?
I only see dating apps Snapchat, Reddit and tiktok mostly

Yes, they have an online api version and for Android :+1:

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:raised_hands: thank you so much definitely checking it out