WTH IG Expert To Setup Accounts/Provide Service

Our company has recently delved into the world of Instagram automation, only to find that there’s a lot to learn! We are looking for someone who can either help us to setup a method we can duplicate for multiple accounts, or manage a number of accounts on our behalf.

We have a range of ecommerce stores, each of which is aimed as a distinct niche with very passionate customers. We want to build followers who have an interest in each niche, and then schedule posts featuring images of our products on a daily basis. People will come to our store if interested via the link in our profile. We’re not looking to do anything more complex or grey/blackhat than this at this stage.

If you think you can help, please drop us a message with the relevant details. Thanks :slight_smile:

I can help… DM me

Prepare your inbox for many experts :wink:

I think you have enough experience, but still, do some research on the one you pick. There are a lot of ‘‘experts’’ that can do more bad things then good for your shops.

Good luck!



Hmm… maybe I’m missing it, but can’t seem to find an option to message you directly. Maybe because my account is new? Anyway, drop me a message and I’ll reply with details.

hi! Just email me. info@suedesocial.com