Your Account Has Been Temporarily Locked

Does it really work? Mine did that so ima trust u on this

how long does it usually take? my account has been on temporarily locked for hours now. this is the first time my account has ever been locked down too. i need help.

i have my phone number on my account and when i press forget password and put it where it sends a code to my number it sends the code. do i just have to wait until my account is not temporarily locked?

I received this notification after logging into one of my IG accounts from an older phone. The problem is, the email address that they are showing that they’ll send a code to is not mine, I don’t recognize it at all. What do I do?

My account it says use phone number but I changed it

It has been showing a random email and random number so I did the reset password as you suggested then I received the code sent to the real email that is linked to the account but once I enter the code it refreshes then the same temporarliy locked screen reappears with a different random email and random number again…Did you find out a fix to this?

Hey Guys, Instagram kicked out all of my IG accounts. I tried different setting but i still have problem. do you have any settings or where i can find settings of MP, which can improve my situation?

I found a way to fix it. Unfortunately for me the email was fake or someone else’s but fortunately, my phone number was still there but when the code was sent it would not work and said “challenge required” so I just gave up and waited a few more weeks. I went back on sometime last week and tried doing the same thing to make myself depressed about my account, thinking it would fail, but to my surprise it actually went through and made me change my password! I was so overjoyed when I got my account back and was literally jumping up and down like a crazy person lmao. There’s still hope!

Unfortunately though, if you said it showed a random number then I don’t know how to help you, I’m sorry :frowning: I hope you get your account back!

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That’s not the right way to do it. I got my account back by pressing continue and sending the code from my phone. I logged in from my laptop and sent the code from my phone. I put the code in and it made me change my password. I thought I had to wait too but your account will be locked forever if you don’t take action. if it doesn’t work, leave it alone for a few weeks and then try again. That’s what I did. Good luck and I hope this helps!

Does anyone know if an account getting locked for potential phishing actually penalizes the account itself? Such as the engagement or anything like that? It seems that IG is just protecting the account from being hacked, right? This is a different error message than the account compromised error, so I’m just wondering if the request to change your PW due to phishing is a big concern or if it’s just a pain because you need to get a code and change the password…

I have the same problem since yesterday guys. my account is temporary locked because an attempt of phishing attack.

I should receive a code on my cellphone number, but nothing arrives. I already contacted Facebook/Instagram helpdesk which told me to write an email to their phishing assistance ->no reply.

Tried doing the “forgot password” and “need more help”, they sent me a mail with a code, I sent them a photo of me holding a piece of paper with that code, my full name and username -> no reply

Tried to put my sim on another telephone -> didn’t work

Tried to reset my iPhone -> didn’t work

Tried to use nordVPN -> didn’t work

Tried to login with other devices (my iMac, my mother iPhone, my iPad) -> didn’t work

I’m hopeless, I don’t know that to do!

I also have a verified account, I thought that maybe this would have speed up the process a little bit, but currently I received no reply from Instagram.

I will probably stop trying to access for a couple of days and see what happens :cry:


HEY SOMEONE HELP PLZ. I created my account years ago and used an email/ phone number I no longer recognize. on my phone and laptop it comes up with my account is temporally locked, then it asks to get the verification code sent by the email that I no longer use. it doesn’t come up with “help” . I am not sure what to do when I don’t know the email address on my account for the code to be sent to.also I don’t have facebook. please tell me what I should do?

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Hey Guys

I am experiencing the same temporary lock message on my Instagram and I have an old work email linked to my account which I cant access and no mobile number or Facebook account is linked. I followed the “need more help” option and was eventually sent the email requesting a picture of me and the code supplied to my new email. I sent the requested picture and received an email back a day later that said “thanks for verifying your identity you’re almost done recovering your account”. I then followed the link to change my password which was successful. I can now login using my new password and email which I had the verification sent to but my account is still locked and when I request the recovery code it still sends it to my old work email which I cant access !

So I can login and change my password but the account wont send the recovery code to my updated email. can any one help me with this ?? is it possible I could leave it for a few weeks and the new email will be updated ? another weird thing is I received an email to my updated address saying I had activated 2factor ID which I didn’t because I cant login to do that.

thanks anyone that can help !!

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Hey Bernadettes22

I am experiencing the same temporary lock message on my Instagram and I have an old work email linked to my account which I cant access and no mobile number or Facebook account is linked. I followed the “need more help” option and was eventually sent the email requesting a picture of me and the code supplied to my new email. I sent the requested picture and received an email back a day later that said “thanks for verifying your identity you’re almost done recovering your account”. I then followed the link to change my password which was successful. I can now login using my new password and email which I had the verification sent to but my account is still locked and when I request the recovery code it still sends it to my old work email which I cant access !

So I can login and change my password but the account wont send the recovery code to my updated email. can any one help me with this ?? is it possible I could leave it for a few weeks and the new email will be updated ? another weird thing is I received an email to my updated address saying I had activated 2factor ID which I didn’t because I cant login to do that.

can you suggest anything to help ?

Cheers !

have you guys been able to recover client/important accounts from Captcha 30 day lock? I had a ton of these on scrapers and would just abandon it as the captcha thing seems to never go away. It’s the first time I’ve got that on the client account and really worried now.

edit: Phew nevermind. Apparently, the code got sent and account got unlocked. It did give me a heart attack. Didn’t expect this ever happening to the client. Have you guys experienced this before? I’m worried to do any sort of automation on their account now honestly.

Can you reset my password ?

I just got this this morning but it asks for submit code it displays my old number ending with 98 so its impossible to use i don’t have that number anymore, i want to kill myself or harm myself because of this

don’t overreact my dude… It’s just an account even if you actually lose it…

However, idk which country you’re from but if you know your full old number even if you have no access to it right now (check old text messages/whatsapp etc - surely you’ll find it).

You can ask your current number to be transferred to that specific number, in this case the old one. All mobile networks allow you to transfer phone numbers as long as you know what it is/was. It might not work if that number has been given to someone else already, but worth a shot nonetheless.

I am in australia gday i manage to access it on my phone with current number, just really weird how i can’t access on my pc computer with that stupid temporary lock out sign is displayed

hey did u get ur account back? i have the same problem going on and i have no idea what to do. if so what did u do? thanks