Your Upwork experiences?

Hi, what is your experience on upwork? Some says its scam?

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There are a lot of people looking for work on Upwork who essentially aren’t able to deliver on-par services, and when they do they take way too long to deliver (very furstrating when working with hourly contracts).

My advice when trying to find freelancers is to make the selection process challenging (Have them answer specific questions or come up with ideas) as most people just copy paste their CV and pitch into your project without even reading the project description. Don’t even try to read these type of submittions as these people can be (99% off the time) considered time wasters as they don’t even try to differentiate themself from the competition or offer an custom solution to the problem you’re looking for.

From the freelancers perspective, try to customize your submittion template to the project of the employer as much as you can. Create a sales funnel and treat Upwork as one of your customer acquisition channels for the type of work you’re looking for.

Hope this helps, let me know if there’s anything else I can help with :slight_smile: