People have found the guy who SHOULD be owning these pages.
(another page that posts incredible amount of posts within a day: )
I’ve seen people selling this worthless service on blackhat forums by pumping up 100k’s of posts in your profile for few bucks. Don’t know what it’s for…
Let’s look at it differently.
People look where the crowd is (something a lot)
So if it will have x number of photos and you can see this number at the top.
That’s when people:
A) They may be wrong with the number of observers and with the FOLLOW4FOLLOW or other method.
This can have a good effect on subscriber return.
B) People, when he is doing account promotions, they will see so many photos, it will cause them to “SHOCK” as in our case and until they want to observe this profile with interest.
You can write a lot of such arguments, but there is nothing “pointless”.
Our view of something is pointless.
The medal always has two sides.
I myself am curious about this option and will even try it out and then see how it will be when promoting the account.
Will this have a greater impact on getting observers.
I have read somewhere on this forum or elsewhere, that people in certain areas (correct me, if I am wrong) such as India/Pakistan care about how many posts you have, so maybe thats something they care about more than #followers
Exactly, you’ll add so many posts to your own hashtag that people will think it’s popular And booom. There are really many possibilities. Just look at it differently