4g henry cooper proxies

Today I finally received 4G proxy from HC. I want to try it today for 2 accounts.

So how many account I can run? And what is the settings to make it safe? :smiley:

I run 15 accounts in 8 hour shifts (5 per shift).
In one shift there is a 4 hour follow period and a 4 hour unfollow period. I variate the order of following and unfollowing for each account. Using this method I get about 160 follows per day per account, 200+ uf/day, 45 - 50 dm’s (sending)/day and I can scrape all day.


What are your results in gaining followers with this setup?

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So, I have asked Henrys’s support and this is the answer:
“We do not interfere with the modems, IPs rotate at least every 10hrs by the ISP.”


About 40 - 45 per slave account per day. 230 - 260 per day for the mother, but right now I only have 29 slaves + 1 mother (gonna expand soon).

My slaves dm new followers and share the mothers profile (along with some spin text) using the contact tool and thats all for now.

I have 3 seperate campaigns, each for a seperate session and when I have a new slave account I can just easily create a destination list for it and add it to the correct campaign.

You can easily scale with this method.


Who can confirm running 20 accounts on hoopers proxies? Thanks.

Raw mobile by Renry Cooper?

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Depends what 4g mobile proxies you have and how they rotate IP addresses and what intervals tbh. It’s all about experimenting, I personally rotate IP address every 30 minutes.

Cenry Hooper Pobile Mroxies


Maybe hookers proxies are good, who knows.

I used to be able to run about 20 on his raw mobiles…when they weren’t down or congested all the time. The usable limit on a raw mobile says more about your provider than the proxy itself.


They are good, but they are not the best

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Any suggestions on how to contact Henry Cooper for mobile proxies? Is his service still available? TIA!

Here is the man @HenryCooper

Hit him up and say hello to him. Heard his raw proxies are popular in here :slightly_smiling_face:



Thank you for the prompt reply!!

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My pleasure and welcome to the forum


He replies pretty fast with his team :slight_smile:

Yes it is :slight_smile:


hello Cooper How can i contact you to get mobile proxies?

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PM or the sales thread in the Marketplace. You can also message me via Telegram (details can be found in my profile)