ACTION BLOCK IS A SPAM BLOCK this is how I get round it CHANGE ISP!

Since how many days accounts are able to perform the actions after ISP change? Asking because IG accounts do get 3-5 days honeymoon period before action blocks hit

What’s your source for this? Sounds like bs👍

Got a random block earlier on 4g using a test account not using intervals, moved it to residential didn’t change device id, didn’t clear cookies, all i did was RE-LOGIN ACCOUNTS with that one selected, then stop start the follow tool, followed and went green. :+1:

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Hmm I don’t know. I run my large accounts at home - 7 on my ISP, I’ve noticed nothing.

Everything else is on a VPN/Proxy

How can I dm on 4g proxy with 10 accounts.
I went through a difficult journey from creating 4g proxies. I really want help

Hey man

Can I show you how to create 4G proxies?

sure! you can tell me

thanks drav - that worked
makes me want to use api again :stuck_out_tongue:

Could i then run accounts on “network1” and on “network2” and whenever an account gets blocked just switch one account from network1 to network2 and vice versa?

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Yes I was wondering the same thing, in theory that is what you are saying isn’t it @Drav , that is you change the ISP then the blocks should be lifted, and in reality accounts do move from one network to another and so this adds trust to the account? Also what if the different ‘networks’ or ISP’s are in separate locations, say some in London some in USA, do you think this is worse, should all the networks/ISP you rotate between be in similar locations so it looks more realistic for IG, say at least all in the UK or something?

Do you use hotspot? Or you create 4g proxy with router ?

Interesting method, thanks for sharing it.
But the question that arises spontaneously is: When you change ISPs and the phone data remain the same for instagram it means that you have changed providers. It should look like you’ve changed your SIM card on the same phone.
Does it become dangerous to do it repeatedly on an account?

Im sitting at home on wifi, my ISP is BT, i turn off my wifi and i’m on my data connection with 4g and my ISP is Three, happy? I go to Starbucks I turn my wifi on my provider is ??? . I goto the library they have free WiFi my provider is… Get it.


Thank you so much Drav. Looks like I’m done with Data Centers. What makes sense to me is to run bots from a cheap laptop and connect it to different wifi ISPs when needed.

This seems right. Good stuff @Drav

Is changing the ISP still working for people here?

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hahahah :smile:

I take that as a big no for you

the haha was not for you in case you mean that … @LongNecksThreeHorns

I see this is a very old topic. I’m curious if this method is still working to avoid blocks