Affiliates Conversion - (Explained)

Hey all,

I’ve recently seen several questions about Affiliates Conversion Types so I decided to create and thread and explain it in details. Hope it’ll be helpful for you, especially for the beginners.

For newcomers to the affiliate marketing world, understanding the conversion types of offers can be challenging and complex. But don’t worry, I’ve crafted an article tailored just for you, explaining all the conversion types along with their abbreviations and brief explanations. This guide will illuminate the path to understanding what actions are necessary to convert customers based on the specific offer type.

Types of Affiliate Conversions

Before we dive in, a heads-up: there’s a plethora of conversion types out there, so we’re going to categorize them into three groups for clarity. Each type will be labeled as easy, medium, or hard based on how challenging it is to achieve. And to keep things simple, we’ll use the most common acronyms, so you’ll be well-versed in their meanings as we go along.
Let’s get started!

01 - Easy Conversions

Beginner-friendly conversion types, labeled as “easy,” are perfect for those starting out in affiliate marketing. They don’t demand deep expertise or hefty budgets, making them more accessible than medium or hard conversions. Additionally, they are easier to optimize, making them ideal for affiliates looking to gain experience and understanding of the process.

SOI - Among conversion types, single opt-in (SOI) conversions stand out as the simplest to attain. The process involves engaging users to provide basic contact info such as their full name or email address. Each time a user submits this information, it counts as a conversion. SOI conversions are prevalent in sweepstakes, dating, and gaming offers, and although less common, they can also be found in finance-related promotions.
Note that this conversion type is sometimes used for more complicated offers.

1-Click - One-click conversions occur primarily on mobile devices. This type is common in mobile content offers, where users simply need to click on the landing page to subscribe to the provided content.

2-Click - Similar to 1-click conversions, but with an added step where users must confirm their subscription to validate it. This type is often considered more valuable because users demonstrate greater interest and commitment.

Click-2-Call - Affiliates earn commissions for generating phone calls through click-to-call conversions. Payment is typically received once a user connects with a call center.

Click-2-SMS - Click-to-SMS conversions occur when a user initiates an SMS message through a provided link or button.

CPI - Cost-per-install conversions are prevalent in the affiliate marketing realm. Users complete a conversion by downloading and opening an app. This model is not exclusive to mobile apps; it also applies to desktop browser extensions, following a similar process.

Push Subscriptions - Affiliates earn commissions for generating push notification subscriptions. Users simply need to agree to receive push notifications, and the affiliate earns a commission.

APK - APK, short for Android Application Package, refers to a file format used for Android apps. In APK conversions, users download the file, install it on their device, and then open it, similar to CPI models.

Medium Conversions

Medium-difficulty conversions are more suited for experienced affiliates who grasp the intricacies of the affiliate marketing landscape. While they pose a greater challenge than easy conversions, they also promise higher payouts.

DOI: Double opt-in conversions closely resemble SOI conversions. The distinction lies in the confirmation process, typically conducted via email or phone. After signing up, users receive a confirmation email, and upon confirming it, the conversion is registered.

CPE: Cost-per-event conversions operate on the premise of users downloading a mobile app, installing it, opening it, and then completing a specific action, termed as the event. These events may include making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or other in-app activities specified by the advertiser.

Some Other Conversion Types

In addition to the above conversion types, you may see some other conversion types here and there. I tried to make a list of them you may see in other networks here:

Free Trial - Free trial conversions are commonly employed in mobile app marketing and occasionally in desktop offers, such as streaming services. The objective of this conversion type is to entice users to opt for a complimentary trial period.

In essence, users are invited to explore an application or service at no cost for a specified duration, typically ranging from 3 to 30 days, depending on the offer. Following the trial period, users are prompted to transition to the paid version. This process often entails providing certain details, occasionally including credit card information. Consequently, free trials are considered medium-difficulty conversions.

COD - Cash-on-delivery (COD) stands as one of the most prevalent conversion types in the realm of eCommerce. Under this model, affiliates undertake the task of encouraging users to provide their names and phone numbers to get a product. Following this, the advertiser’s call center initiates contact with the user, engaging in discussions and endeavoring to promote products along with any available upgrades. Upon the user’s confirmation of the order, the affiliate receives commission.

Some variations of COD conversions incorporate a lengthy contact form that users must complete, often inclusive of address details. In instances where direct phone communication with users proves unattainable, the company proceeds with delivery attempts, aiming to directly sell the item to the prospective buyer.

CPO - CPO, which stands for Cost-Per-Order or Cost-Per-Sale, shares similarities with COD. The distinction lies in the terminology and presentation, yet the underlying concept remains consistent.

Pin Submit - Pin Submit conversions find their niche in mobile content, occasionally extending to video and gaming verticals. Serving as a more intricate iteration of the 2-Click model, Pin Submit entails users submitting their phone numbers, receiving a text message containing a PIN, and subsequently inputting this code to trigger a conversion. Pin submits offer lucrative payouts and are commonly employed in lead generation scenarios where phone number verification is imperative, such as instances where the next step involves interaction with a call center.

Hard Conversions

This category encompasses conversion types suited for top-tier affiliates equipped with substantial budgets, advanced optimization techniques, and comprehensive blacklists and whitelists at their disposal.

CPL - CPL (Cost-per-lead) stands as one of the most prevalent conversion models across various industries. It revolves around generating high-quality leads for advertisers by gathering detailed user information such as email addresses, gender, names, and sometimes even tax numbers, especially in financial sectors. The ultimate goal is to collect precise data required for converting these leads into active clients. CPL conversions are commonly found in sweepstakes, insurance, home improvement services, and other mainstream sectors.

FTD - FTD (First-time deposits) are prevalent in sectors like betting, iGaming, finance, and cryptocurrency. Affiliates earn a fixed amount each time a new user makes their initial deposit, irrespective of its size.

CPS - CPS (Cost-per-sale) conversions entail affiliates receiving a set amount for each sale they generate. Often, affiliates are compensated based on revenue share within the cookie lifetime, with cancellations potentially affecting the final payout. These conversions are common in finance and eCommerce, including niches like VPN services. They’re common in finance and especially eCommerce. You can also encounter CPS in the VPN niche.

Hybrid Conversions - Hybrid conversions blend various models such as CPI (Cost-per-install), CPE (Cost-per-event), registration, deposit, free trials, and CPS. Typically, the initial part of the conversion process is unpaid, requiring completion of both parts to receive the payout. It’s crucial for affiliates to grasp that although these conversions occur, they may not necessarily result in leads, necessitating adjustments to optimize the process.

Pay Per Call - PayPerCall conversions prompt users to dial a specific number, with affiliates receiving payment for each second or minute of the call, depending on the offer’s terms. For instance, if an offer stipulates payment for only 3-minute calls, a call lasting 2 minutes and 59 seconds would not be compensated.

CC Submit - CC Submit conversions require users to input valid credit card information to either make a purchase or enter a contest. Upon successful registration of a valid credit card, a conversion is recorded. Typically, validation occurs through a nominal charge of $1-2 immediately after adding the card details.

Note: It’s worth noting that in some networks like PropellerAds, you can specify the conversion type when setting up a campaign, provided you select an auto-optimization tool. By doing so, our algorithms can assist in driving more targeted traffic to your offer.


Navigating through the various conversion types in affiliate marketing can feel overwhelming at first. However, the insights provided above aim to simplify this process and empower you to make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable conversion strategies for your campaigns. With a better understanding of these conversion flows, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the intricacies of affiliate marketing and optimize your campaign performance effectively.

Did I miss any conversion or you know some others? Let me know by replying to this thread and let me know about it!

Thanks )

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Looks like PPV (Pay Per View) is missing, that’s where affiliates earn for the number of views of a video, or any ad that users just view