Aged or Fresh Instagram account

Im trying to start an instagram theme page, I made one but my reels only get like 30 views from only the followers on the account. Some people swear to only use aged, some people fresh, as of new algo update. What have you guys seen recently?

Personally for a main account thats not being automated on id go fresh. If it was a child account being automated Id suggest aged if you were a beginner. Fresh are great but you need to warmup properly.

as a seller of both some aged the aged accounts because of their higher limits works better but in total it all depends on your content creation and strategy on the account which we can do it for you

Do the same warmup strategy’s from 2019 work today? like this one [GUIDE] How To Warm Up New and Aged IG Accounts 2019

im working on making a few theme pages, not child accounts. Tbh i havent done that much research on m/c account strategy. But rn just the main focus is main theme pages.

I think if its on real phones thats doable but in api bots you need to be more careful

You should old/aged account :blush:

100% only utilize aged if you want to prioritize ranking and views.

Start small be consistent, eventually some post sooner or later will go viral. I would avoid automation with new accounts.