[AMA] Instagram’s A**hole 2019, ask me about anything instagram

@senseifuel , check out this video at timestamp , https://youtu.be/mpArhEk5N-w?t=911
He scrapes Emails from jarvee . of wannabe influencers , or business accounts.
And Emails them from Gmail , using automation software yesware.
If you can share , please do , a nice script to approach client for SMMA.


golden, thanks!

will see what I can come up with and share with you if I think it’s of quality :slight_smile:

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so much useful information in this thread thank you so much.

Thanks bro for topic <3

Thank you for your kind words, if anyone have any questions feel free to ask.

Was busy with june update so went missing a little, always good to be busy. Is everyone still testing ? :smiley:


You getting 508/168 temp blocks?

Hell yeah,

I’m getting them about 5% of my accounts, not any more than that.

what do you think its contributing to the 5%? Been getting a huge chunk of 508s


How do you get them to trust you with their password to run through the bot? And how do you manage the client when they want to connect (which risks AC due to multiple connects)? Also, related, how do they post (through you??) And reply to comments?

Wow. Good job man. I’m still very new to this. If I wanted to get 100s of accounts going, how would I even start with that? I’m still trying to figure out how you guys do this. Like, keeping up with content on just a few accounts is a lot.

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